Assistance Offered

  • Get details of five shortlisted properties per week.
  • New property alerts
  • Legal assistance
  • Loan assistance
  • Property registration
  • Construction, etc.


(Validity: 3 Months)

For help call at: +91 636-050-6760

Have Questions?


We have tried answering all the queries related to the Assistance Offered in this Q&A, feel free to contact us with any doubts.

Get assistance throughout your property purchase journey from searching properties, arranging meeting, & negotiating prices till you close the deal. Get additional information or assistance on loan, house construction, interiors, home automation etc. We will put you in touch with all these service teams so you do not need to spend extra effort. 

Following services are provided:

  • Property searching assistance
  • New property alerts as per your property requirement
  • Legal assistance
  • Loan assistance
  • Property registration assistance
  • Construction assistance
  • Interior design assistance
  • Home automation

Usually the timeline to get a property depends on how specific the requirement is, we do try to get you the property asap, while it can not be guaranteed how soon you will be able to get the property. However, we have seen that usually property hunt is completed within 4-5 weeks of the date of subscription.

Prices are on the sole discretion of the sellers. However, we do try to negotiate the price in case there are inconsistencies in price amount in the specific locality.

We always have sufficient number of properties at each location of the operating locality, but finding a property in a specific locality will depend on the inventory we have at that point of time so we cannot guarantee a specific society.

Once you subscribe, property consultant will call you and take your requirement over the phone and with a simple requirement form.

We provide the services to help you find a property as per your legitimate requirement. However, in case you are not able to find a property; it will be unfortunate and you can modify your requirement for property to avoid the same.

Our other services can still be availed even if you do not finalize a property through

 We charge 1% + GST  (as applicable)

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